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Newland oiltools
If you feel you are qualified for the role and would like to be part of a growing team, please send your resume to

Recruitment position
Marketing manager

Below is a description of the duties that the successful candidates are required to perform:
· Responsible for all in-country operations and the management of relationships between company and country partners.
· Broad technical understanding of well construction in the oil and gas industry and the various products and equipment used to drill and complete a well.
· Extensive technical knowledge and understanding of the casing running and cementing phases of well construction operations
· Take an active role in keeping track of commercial bids and tenders and ensure company participation
· Ability to successfully engage with drilling and completion engineers and develop strong and mutually beneficial vendor/client relationships
· Evaluate and implement appropriate new sales techniques to increase the region's sales volume
· Effectively communicate the value proposals with different presentations to clients, both commercial and technical
· Serve as a key member/leader of regional teams and co-ordinate additional structuring, as and when the business requires.
· Ability to travel both within the country and wider Caspian region